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Wabi Sabi in Calligraphy: Shih Yung-hua 70-Year Retrospective Exhibition|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


Wabi Sabi in Calligraphy: Shih Yung-hua 70-Year Retrospective Exhibition

003 意臨楊維楨
087 月已西斜
085 晨曦尚未惺忪
088 人言我說
086 台灣杉
080 離
081 曠
079 相遺
078 澹無為而自得
077 口
075 痴
062-065 洛夫-金龍禪寺-4
005-032 紅樓夢-27
004 意臨秦權量銘
001 高適醉後贈張旭
  • Exhibition Date:2024-09-14 ~ 2024-11-10
  • Exhibition Location:Exhibition Room A