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Introduction|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


Floor Plans

1F Floor Plans:

floor plan

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Exhibition Hall, Hall, Room A, Room B, Room C, Courtyard square, Art Gallery, Staff's parking area, Totem square, Information, Cihgshuel square, Offic, Hall,West side, Hall,East side, ConcertHall, Pool area, Outdoor square, Art square, Parking Area, Hueisyuan square,  Toilets

 2F Floor Plans: image info: 

chuen-yu Cultural and creative, shia-he Cultural and creative, chiou-yue Cultural and creative, Yashu square, Artist archives, Collection storeroom, Conference room, Activities square, shiu-yi gift shop, shiu-yi coffee, Staff cooperative, 2F Exhibition hall, Toilets

3F Floor Plans:

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International conference room, Asministration area, Toilet