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2024 Taiwan Professional Art Exchange Association Member Joint Exhibition Beyond Boundaries|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


2024 Taiwan Professional Art Exchange Association Member Joint Exhibition Beyond Boundaries

02-簡君惠浮光掠影系列九份焦點 油畫30F 2021
06-趙純妙 彩碧峽谷膠彩30F 2021
04-何木百滄  炊煙起  油畫 30F  2018
12-何智勇 睡蓮 油畫 30F 2023
14-劉相蘭 阿嬤的灶咖 油畫 2020
13-呂和謙 心中的桃花園 油畫 30F 2023
10-林岑蔚 奏雲觀  水彩 56x78 cm 2019
03-劉哲志夏荷 油畫50Fx2 2022
05-簡源忠盛裝的東方女后像 50F 2021
07-江志正 共學樂油彩 30F 2022
08-黃民舟 過去現在未來 壓克力及油彩 50F 2020
11-包怡倩 山重水復疑無路 柳暗花明又一村
09-吳俊奇 遠方的寧靜 油畫 50F 2022
  • Exhibition Date:2024-02-24 ~ 2024-03-24
  • Exhibition Location:Exhibition Room B

The Taiwan Professional Art Exchange Association was officially established in April 2008, having received approval and registration from the Ministry of the Interior, R.O.C. (Taiwan). Over the past decade, the association has organized numerous large and diverse member joint exhibitions at various locations, including the Taichung City Da-Dun Cultural Center, the National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Art Center, the Taichung City Tun District Arts Center, the Taichung City Seaport Arts Center, the Nantou County Cultural Center, and the Taichung City Huludun Cultural Center, etc.

In this current joint exhibition, the tradition continues with a characteristic mix of different age groups—representing the elderly, middle-aged, and young members. Each generation utilizes various materials to create diverse artworks, showcasing different artistic styles. Participating artists employ oil painting, ink painting, watercolor, sculpture, and mixed media, using the language of "beauty" to present their inner thoughts in both two-dimensional and three-dimensional spaces. They persist in expressing an infinite hope for the future through their commitment to the pursuit of aesthetic sensibilities.

The theme of this current exhibition is the spirit of continuous innovation and artistic challenges among the members. Consequently, it is aptly named "[Beyond Boundaries]."

Our members create in different ways .Such as sketching,Eastern Gouache, ink painting, oil painting, watercolor, sculpture, acrylic, lacquer sculpture, installation art, etc. The contribution of art also include lots fields:art education and art management,.To inspir the younger generation. Looking forward to make more innovative future and more fruitful artistic achievements.

Due to the large number of participants, each artist can only exhibit 1 or 2 pieces of artwork. However, these artistic creations are carefully selected by each artist, highlighting their individual distinguishing features. This allows for a more profound expression of personal styles and fosters artistic interflows among creators during the exhibition. Consequently, both viewers and participants can simultaneously experience a variety of unique artistic styles, enriching their artistic knowledge and enhancing the expression of aesthetical spirit.