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Taichung Leisure Calligraphy and Painting Association Members Joint Exhibition|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


Taichung Leisure Calligraphy and Painting Association Members Joint Exhibition

彭瓊珍_千山雪,獨行路_65cmx53cm _壓克力彩_2020
李沁紜_大漠風光_19x90cm_彩墨    木片天然紋路_2020
蘇顯榮_綠蔭古道_60cmx130cm_水墨設色  宣紙
吳麗雲_妙疏_ 107x60cm_絹畫絹布_2022
  • Exhibition Date:2024-01-13 ~ 2024-02-14
  • Exhibition Location:Exhibition Room C

This association was established in year 1993.In the early days, it was composed of students from the ink painting class named [Leisure Art Research Association] under the guidance of Professor Hsu Wen-Jung. In year 2001, it applied to the Taichung City Government for registration and changed its name to [Taichung City Leisure Painting and Calligraphy Association], combined with more people who are passionate about art, has more than 20 members from all walks of life. Among the members are several art teachers who are responsible for the inheritance of art. Many members have participated in public art exhibitions and have outstanding performances, including consecutive winning award of the top 3 in the provincial art exhibition for 3 years and has the qualification to be exempted from review in the provincial art exhibition. There are outstanding performers such as the first prize in the National Art Exhibition, the Dadun Art Exhibition, the Central Art Exhibition, and the Yushan Art Exhibition. There are also 4 people selected for the Taichung City Artists Relay Exhibition.  There are 3 Contemporary artists from Taichung City, 4 Female Artists from Taichung City, and 8 people awarded Master degree from the Institute of Fine Arts. The members’works cover ink, calligraphy, oil painting, glue color, watercolor, acrylic, printmaking and other fields.  In order to promote art and self-improvement, the association has held more than 30 member joint exhibitions in cultural centers across Taiwan, all of which have been deeply appreciated by the audience and won the praise of advanced fellows and enthusiasts from all walks of life.

Since the establishment of the Association, we, a group of art lovers who love art creation, encourage each other to improve their painting skills and exchange artistic and cultural information.  We hold member joint exhibitions every year.  This exhibition at the Taichung City Seaport Art Center is an exhibition for all members of the association.  Approximately 60 works of ink, oil painting, acrylic, silk painting, calligraphy, etc. will be exhibited.  We hope that the audience’s visit and guidance will be able to feel the creative enthusiasm of all members and inspire us to make more progress.