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Cultivating the Grains of Art into the Language of Clay|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


Cultivating the Grains of Art into the Language of Clay

  • Exhibition Date:2021-10-02 ~ 2021-10-24
  • Exhibition Location:Exhibition Room C

The four of us have stepped from graphics into the field of ceramic art. Each of us have been working with images for different periods of time. We share the ability to cultivate the seeds of graphic art to sprout into new life, a transformation from two-dimensional images to three-dimensional objects. This explains the name of the exhibition title.

One man in particular has played an important role in our transformation. For three years, we explored sculpting in clay under the guidance of ceramic artist, Mr. Lin Boyu. For 1080 days or longer, we learned how to use clay as our language of expression and we communicated our perception of life through the creative process of making sculptural works.

In the process of forming the clay by hand, our physical labor combined with our learning of skills and exhaustion. The changes in the humidity of the clay challenged our minds and emotions simultaneously. It became a creative language of the mind allowing each of us to engage in a creative conversation with the clay. Now, we use this language of clay to express ourselves to the outer world.

In this exhibition, each of us presents works in both two and three dimensions. In the past three years, we have been loyal to our own creative visions and we have embraced our unique voice as we were reflecting on our inner world.