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Serene and wonderful years: Ms. CHOU,HSIANG-LING solo exhibition|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


Serene and wonderful years: Ms. CHOU,HSIANG-LING solo exhibition

周湘苓 ,牡丹1,水彩紙本,275x37.5cm ,2021.
周湘苓 ,玫瑰3,水彩紙本,275x37.5cm ,2021.
周湘苓,花雨,15F,畫布 壓克力,65x53cm,2019
周湘苓 ,玫瑰2,水彩紙本,275x37.5cm ,2021.
周湘苓 ,玫瑰1,水彩紙本,275x37.5cm ,2021.
周湘苓 ,夜晚的百合花,彩墨紙本,70x70cm ,2020
周湘苓 ,探,彩墨紙本,70x70cm ,2018
  • Exhibition Date:2021-12-19 ~ 2022-01-16
  • Exhibition Location:Qingshui Hall

After Ms. CHOU,HSIANG-LING retired from her position of art teaching for junior high school, away from the hustle and bustle of the city zone of Taichung, reclusive in the Da-du mountains, wandering through the country fields, flowers and grasses to observe the natural life, the Artwork presents a quiet beauty of life, its creative media in addition to paper, Chinese brush painting pigments, watercolors and acrylic, but also try to use traditional Chinese brush on the oil canvas, seeking another innovative  Chinese colored brush painting style. This world, nowadays, has been very chaotic, that Ms. CHOU,HSIANG-LING only wish All the human beings have Serene and wonderful years, heaven and earth also reach its eternal peace.