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Hundred Paintings of Life : Yu-Yeh Tsai’s Oil Painting Exhibition|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


Hundred Paintings of Life : Yu-Yeh Tsai’s Oil Painting Exhibition

蔡玉葉,大 愛  100F  2012
蔡玉葉,奇  景  100F   2018
蔡玉葉,鹿的世界  100F 2010
蔡玉葉,滾滾紅塵  100F  2016
蔡玉葉,常與無常  100F 2014
蔡玉葉,禪 定  100F  2011
蔡玉葉,王者之花 100F 2015
蔡玉葉,新  綠  100F 2013
蔡玉葉,淡  定  100F   2019
蔡玉葉,愛無懼  100F  2021
蔡玉葉,春  100FX2  2014
蔡玉葉,展  翼  100F  2017
蔡玉葉,飛上枝頭  100F  2020
  • Exhibition Date:2022-06-18 ~ 2022-07-17
  • Exhibition Location:Exhibition Room B

Ms. Yu-Yeh Tsai was born in 1946, Xia-ying, Tainan. After graduating from junior high school, she worked in beauty salons, local theater operations, flower arrangements, and clothing industries. By fate, she coincidentally started her creative life for Art. She is now a full-time painter. Most of her early creations were mainly figurative and semi-figurative. With the accumulation of many years of creative experience, constant innovative thinking was added, her recent creation focuses on the transmission of humanistic ideas. She hoped that through the contrast of bright colors, her artworks could interpret the soft heart, and then escapes the mundane and returns to natural life through the Art.