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2021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


2021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition

734972021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition
735002021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition
735032021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition
735052021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition
734992021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition
735022021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition
735012021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition
735042021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition
734982021 Taiwan Artists Association Joint Exhibition
  • Exhibition Date:2021-07-14 ~ 2021-08-01
  • Exhibition Location:Exhibition Room C

The Taiwan Artists Association was founded in 1999. Members of the association come from teachers at all levels across the country, enthusiastic about creative amateur calligraphers and painters, and are a combination of their love for art and a common idea to improve the quality of creation. The art club holds a joint exhibition every year to learn from each other, explore the vitality of art through creation, and work together for the promotion of art education.

 The works of the association's joint exhibition include ink, watercolor, oil painting, calligraphy, composite media... and other categories. The creations include realistic, abstract, lyrical, imaginative, clear and beautiful, and heavy... etc., all of which are the masterpieces of members in recent years. Under the leadership of Lin Huitang and the Honorary Chairman, they were exhibited at the Taichung City Harbor District Art Center. Through the exhibition, they exchanged ideas and observed, hoping to improve the quality of future creations. We hope that all walks of life will come to come and correct me.