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2020 Contemporary Art Tracks-Chiayi Railway Art Development Association Member Joint Exhibition|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


2020 Contemporary Art Tracks-Chiayi Railway Art Development Association Member Joint Exhibition

黃照芳 獻 100F 2019 油畫
尹信方 2020 海市蜃樓油彩畫布
陳哲  魚的組曲  油畫 2007  100F
陳政宏-懷舊系列之二 等待 2017 100F 油畫
李國聰 春意 104x93cm  2019  水墨
李伯男  遊藝數位天2020年
吳筱瑩 藏  壓克力彩 2020
王德合  2014 黃色小鴨 畫布壓克力彩
曾麗華  聖母峰的美麗與愛愁  2016 100F油彩
戴明德  夢遊 亞克力 2019
謝其昌  書寫漬物系列  100F  2019  複合媒材
  • Exhibition Date:2020-08-08 ~ 2020-09-06
  • Exhibition Location:Central Corridor

"2020 Contemporary Art Tracks-Chiayi Railway Art Development Association Member Joint Exhibition" is a grand event where members of Chiayi Railway Art Development Association exchange and excite each other’s works.

A group of art and literature professionals who embrace vision and enthusiasm established this association in 2003 with the purpose of promoting railway culture and art education, and cultivating local art talents. The annual exhibitions stimulate creative motivation and show strong creative energy. In recent years, it has also actively expanded international art exchange activities, hoping to take root in local art and go international, so it attracts and gathers more artists and members engaged in contemporary art creation. The number is close to one hundred.