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A Busy Wonderland- Dajia Junior High School Art Talent Class|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


A Busy Wonderland- Dajia Junior High School Art Talent Class

07 詹承翰-一線之隔
05 郭季菲-生與森
09 葉芸禎 李晏薰-獨白
12 李心禔 吳青芸-工筆肖像
08 莊育順-殺機
11 鄭亘旂 黃珮妘 陳芷妮-夜光中的凝視
03 李韋如-自由
10 周以絜 紀淳譯 陳禹仲-小玩藝
04 王玠玄-喘息
01 黃語晨-拾與噬
02 劉庭妤-幻游
06 許鎮宇-另一個世界
  • Exhibition Date:2024-02-24 ~ 2024-03-17
  • Exhibition Location:Juyue Hall

Here is the place where flowers bloom abundantly, a group of people is busy—
busy thinking, creating, and expressing themselves.
United by shared interests and goals,
they navigate the challenges of growing up, finding joy, and realizing their dreams.
In this place- A Busy Wonderland,
they support each other, creating a vibrant and delightful kingdom of their own.
This is a marvelous kingdom.

The exhibition features diverse categories, primarily divided into two sections:

1.Individual Representative Works: Students create personal representative pieces using their most proficient artistic mediums.

2.Classroom Visual Arts: Includes works in sketching, composite material, meticulous ink, and more.