3.14159/X:The 31st Graduation Exhibition of Tai-jia Junior High School Art Class
- Exhibition Date:2022-02-12 ~ 2022-03-06
- Exhibition Location:Exhibition Room 2F D
The 2022 Graduation Exhibition of the Art Class of Tai-jia Junior High School is entitled as "3.14159/X", (x of 3.14159)which X are stands for unknown and mystery. "ART" is separately composed of 1st, 18th, and 20th letters of the English alphabet, and the sum of these numbers is 39.
3 and 9 are the first and last letter of pi, 3.14159, which means: we are in a world full of unknowns, maybe we have been lost, but we are as united and beautiful as a geometric circle. In a generation with unknown X, we wish our future will be complete and perfect like a geometric circle, and ultimately lead to a life of truth, goodness and beauty.