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The 36th Annual Graduation Art Exhibition of Artistic Talent Class, Shuntian Elementary School - Transform with Me|Taichung City Seaport Art Center


The 36th Annual Graduation Art Exhibition of Artistic Talent Class, Shuntian Elementary School - Transform with Me

01The 36th Annual Graduation Art Exhibition of Artistic Talent Class, Shuntian Elementary School - Transform with Me
02The 36th Annual Graduation Art Exhibition of Artistic Talent Class, Shuntian Elementary School - Transform with Me
03The 36th Annual Graduation Art Exhibition of Artistic Talent Class, Shuntian Elementary School - Transform with Me
04The 36th Annual Graduation Art Exhibition of Artistic Talent Class, Shuntian Elementary School - Transform with Me
05The 36th Annual Graduation Art Exhibition of Artistic Talent Class, Shuntian Elementary School - Transform with Me
06The 36th Annual Graduation Art Exhibition of Artistic Talent Class, Shuntian Elementary School - Transform with Me
  • Exhibition Date:2024-04-06 ~ 2024-05-05
  • Exhibition Location:Exhibition Room 2F C&D

"Embrace Change" means not to be found, but to be created by oneself. Life is not immutable. Firstly, we can create and change ourselves. During this period, I have been exploring the development of artistic potential in each student, using images, sounds, language, words, and visuals to convey the flames of life experience and record the trajectory of life. Through inheritance, the flame can illuminate the hope and strength of the work in the flow of time. Changing the appearance of various works requires changing their ideas first, especially when students face the uncertain future. They must learn to understand their past selves from diverse perspectives and thinking, boldly try different media, break free from conventional forms, and recreate to rediscover their long-lost true selves.

When students engage in the process of creating images, self-exploration, and dialogue with themselves, they reference their own perspectives or information and existing techniques to establish creative connections. This process is called "self-reference," and the content of "self-reference" comes from the interaction between the individual and the environment. It is constantly replicated, modified by environmental changes, and then re-created, undergoing continuous "auto-generation."

Certainly, the act of creation is a solitary one. In the creative process, individuals may experience anger, sadness, fear, complaints, helplessness, grievances, loneliness, and solitude. However, it is only through creative dialogue with oneself that one can regain confidence, affirm oneself, and accept oneself, leading to the encounter with one's true self.